Ma petite galerie de confinement, pendant la pandémie de Covid 19 – la souris ne peut plus chercher d’appartement, elle reste chez elle ! Dessins réalisés sous les toits de Paris, 17e, du 17 mars au 11 mai 2020.
Lockdown time gallery, during Covid-19 pandemic: Mouse cannot look for an appartment right now, she has to stay home. I drew these from March 17th until May 11th 2020, in Paris – France.
My baby chestnut-tree is happy: we’ve had long chats lately. Skype & drinks weekend! Sunbathing. Yes, there are bars at my kitchen’s window. A bold move to prevent routine: today I’ll sit on a different side of the table. I’m awake before my alarm clock goes off. 7.30 am, no need to rush to catch the bus: time to thoroughly clean the bathroom! I’ve put the trash out today, I even put shoes on for this great walk. I’ve turned my kitchen into a solarium. So far so good: I am not spending all day in my bathrobe yet. Believe it or not: I’m exercising! I’ve been keeping that in my cupboard? I’ve cleaned absolutely everywhere. Are you really sure hairdressers are not vital businesses? Mum’s garden 1: “Of course mum, you can go to your garden without a certificate…” Mum’s garden 2: “I’ve cut all invasive trees with my biggest pruner!” And all of a sudden, with no apparent reason… a black screen! Everything is clean and tidy. I feel like my flat is a home decorating magazine. My tiny chestnut-tree has the blues: he can’t help thinking of all the office plants who’d kill for a drop of water. I’ve bumped into a colleague (and neighbour) at the supermarket. It made my day! I’ve got mail! It feels like Christmas time! So far so good: I haven’t had a drink with my plants yet. My usual morning news radio program has been replaced by a bottom-range one, the same for several stations. I knew buying all these books was absolutely necessary! Two of my three windows on the north side have bars. Sometimes it gives me an awkward feeling. Friends’ hairstyles: let it grow or cut it yourself? What I fear most is stupidity… Fake news debunking and social media break is a must. Hairdo challenge: headband. That book on WW1… glad I’ve kept it for a rainy day! Enjoying a ray of sunshine between the oven and some drying dishes. I’m outside! Let’s take a deep breath… or not! Hairdo challenge: baby-poney tail. Sunday’s chicken, live from Limousin. The new delight of having to attend a meeting! I may not have picked the most entertaining books… Admit it: there are some great jokes on the web. I always keep my bathroom door closed long enough, so that my flat looks bigger when I get out. Some things never change: family computer hotline. Cleaning my hands with boiling water… People do wear masks… around their neck or under their nose! 70% less job opportunities in April… and my 4-year contract ends in July! Taking my shopping list to a professional level. Awesome! I can use Skype in the garden! I’m gonna show you the ugly caterpillars crawling in my cherry-tree. They’re disgusting! That Christmas card feeling as everyone is home at night. Why on earth do people stand in line on the zebra crossing (rather than on the sidewalk)?! Comfort food: homemade pop-corn! My neighbours sunbathing on their south facing balcony. I haven’t used it for a while – I’ve forgotten my door code! I’ve worn out my slippers! I’ll have to use the underground on Monday, where on earth am I going to find a face mask? (in the mail box: a letter from a friend with a homemade face mask)! Ice saints are out! Lockdown diary: right from my notepad, as I try to limit screen time. Alphalac 2020
Merci à Cécile pour les encouragements et à Céline pour la relecture !