Wildlife photographer of the year

Grand title winner 2014 : The last great picture, by Michael ‘Nick’ Nichols, USA

Le ROM présente les lauréats du concours de photographies de nature Wildlife photographer of the year (WPY).

Ce concours fête cette année ses 50 ans ; il est organisé par le Natural History Museum de Londres (NHM). De spectaculaires photos d’animaux à revoir sur leur site. Ces images peuvent être exploitées en classe sous plusieurs angles – tant en sciences (biodiversité, comportements animaux) qu’en art (composition d’une image : cadrage, effets de mouvement et de lumière)

The winners of nature photography award Wildlife photographer of the year (WPY) are exhibited at the ROM. This contest celebrates its 50th anniversary this year; it has benn set up by the Natural History Museum in London (NHM). Spectacular animal photos are to be seen on their website. There are many ways to make the most out of these pictures, in science (biodiversity, animnal behaviours) as well as in art (how an image is composed: framing, movement and light).